Saving & Certificate Rates

Savings Rates

Rates Effective 08/21/2021
Savings Rates   
Regular Shares/Club Accounts   
.20 %
.20 %

IRA Accounts

Rates Effective 08/21/2021
IRA Accounts   
1.00 %
1.00 %

Share Certificates

Rates Effective 08/21/2021
Share CertificatesTerm    
Share Cert RatesHD  
3 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.25 %
.25 %
6 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.35 %
.35 %
12 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.60 %
.60 %
18 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.75 %
.75 %
24 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.85 %
.85 %
30 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.90 %
.90 %
36 Month Certificate 
$ 500
.95 %
.95 %
48 Month Certificate 
$ 500
1.00 %
1.01 %
60 Month Certificate 
$ 500
1.24 %
1.25 %
Share Certificates subject to early withdrawal penalty
Early Withdrawal Penalty:
Term of one year or less-forfeit 90 days dividend
Term of more than one year-forfeit 180 days dividend

Savings Calculator

For informational purposes ONLY! Consult with a Financial Professional before acting on this estimate!
*Annual Percentage Rate